Forum Notices
I’m excited to have you here! This is meant to be a helpful space that provides support and information related to Stellar Game Assets products. To that end, the content you submit should be relevant and topical.
Eventually I'm hoping these forums will serve as a searchable database to troubleshoot issues, or to share your ideas and projects. This space is not intended to replace other avenues for support. You can still contact me directly through the support form, or via email at
Before you get started, please take a moment to read through the guidelines below.
No Spam / Advertising
Spam is defined as unsolicited advertisements for goods, services and/or other web sites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Any post considered to be spam will be removed.
Promotional content is allowed, provided it's relevant to Stellar Game Assets and/or Unity. These posts, containing links to your project, self-promotions, screenshots or demos should only be made in the ‘Showcase’ category. If they appear in other categories, they’ll be moved or deleted.
Do not post copyright-infringing material
Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain copyrighted materials, including requests for links to, or support for, pirated/cracked software, is expressly forbidden. Any actions perceived to be malicious or suspicious will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, the offender IP address may be reported to local authority and/or copyright owner(s).
Do not post offensive content, links or images
Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or discriminatory is not permitted. This includes user pictures.
Remember that there are users of all ages here. Swearing is not banned, but please don’t swear excessively. If language is excessively abused, a filter will be put in place to safeguard the system.
Basically, just use common sense while posting.
Do not cross-post questions
Please refrain from posting the same question in several categories. The forum is divided into categories for a reason – you should be able to find a suitable place to post your question or comment.
Do not PM users asking for help
Do not send private messages to other members asking for help. If you need help, make a new thread in the appropriate forum so the whole community can help and benefit. Alternatively, you can contact me directly through other available support avenues.
Posting in ALL CAPITALS is bad. Resist any temptation to do it.
Be kind
All posts should be respectful and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members (and explain why) but this is not a place to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle anyone. The purpose of this community is to learn and help each other. Again, we all have different levels of experience with 3D models and/or Unity.
No trolls allowed
Like every other online forum, we may sometimes attract the attention of internet trolls who find joy in making inflammatory posts. Anyone suspected of this kind of behaviour will receive a warning. Continued inappropriate posts will result in immediate deletion of the member account.
Detail is king
When reporting or seeking help with technical issues, please include as much relevant detail as you can. Screenshots, warning messages (from the console) or other explicit error information is all helpful when we’re trying to solve your problem.
Don’t hijack conversations
Please stay on topic and create your own posts when necessary. Hijacking can be particularly troublesome in technical support threads because it can obscure the original issue. I read all of the content on the forums, so you don’t need to worry about hitchhiking on a popular thread for visibility.
Last but not least, if you feel that a posted message is objectionable or in violation of any of the above, please alert me by reporting the post (click on the three dots beside the post title) or at I will review the content and make every effort to remove it as soon as possible should it be in contravention with these guidelines.
LAST UPDATED ON 2021-08-22